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Magnesium sulfate heptahydrate is commonly known as the Epsom salt. It is made of magnesium, sulphur, and oxygen. The chemical formula is MgSO47H2O. The name Epsom is from the place where it was discovered (England).
Epsom salt crystal
Occurrence: It occurs in nature in various forms such as Epsomite in certain gypsum deposits and also in some mineral spring water.
Preparation of Epsom salt:
It occurs in nature and is prepared by laboratory methods by reacting sulphuric acid with magnesium hydroxide, oxide or carbonate followed by evaporation results in Epsom salts.
Properties of Epsom salt:
  • It is highly soluble in water.
  • Epsom salt is bitter and unsavoury.
  • It is strongly hygroscopic and can be used as a desiccant (a hygroscopic substance that absorbs moisture from the air and is used as a drying agent).
  • It causes the absorption of sound in seawater.
  • It is the most used mineral in the pharmaceutical industry.
Uses of Epsom salt:
Used for salt bath
  • It is used to treat ailments, such as insomnia, constipation and fibromyalgia.
  • It is used in agriculture for magnesium deficiency in the soil.
  • It is used as a brewing salt.
  • It is used for skin medications (salt bath) which reduces inflammation and relieves stress.
  • It helps in muscle and nerve functions.
The benefits of Epsom salt are attributed to magnesium, a mineral which is deficient in a lot of people. It is used to treat ailments in the olden days and still now.