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1. A \(14\) \(m\) deep well with inner diameter \(10\) \(m\) is dug and the earth taken out is evenly spread all around the well to form an embankment of width \(5\) \(m\). Find the height of the embankment.
The height of the embankment \(=\)  \(m\)
2. A cylindrical glass with diameter \(20 \ cm\) has water to a height of \(9 \ cm\). A small cylindrical metal of radius \(5 \ cm\) and height \(4 \ cm\) is immersed it completely. Calculate the raise of the water in the glass?
The raised water in the glass \(=\)  \(cm\)
3. If the circumference of a conical wooden piece is \(484\) \(cm\), then find its volume when its height is \(105\) \(cm\).
The volume of the wooden piece \(=\)  \(cm^3\)