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Write first four terms of the A.P. when the first term \(a\) and the common difference \(d\) are given as follows   
(i) \(a = 10, d = 10\) 
First fours terms of the A.P \(=\)
(ii) \(a = − 2, d = 0\)  
First fours terms of the A.P \(=\)
(iii) \(a = 4, d = − 3\) 
First fours terms of the A.P \(=\)
Answer variants:
\(-10, -20, -30\), and \(-40\)
\(−2, −2, −2\) and \(−2\)
\(10, 20, 30\), and \(40\)
\(2, 2, 2\) and \(2\)
\(4, 1, −2\) and \(−5\)