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Read the article about polar bears. 
Рис. \(1\). Polar bear
The polar bear is listed as a vulnerable species due to the climate change. The species is endangered, that means that these animals can extinct in the near future. The population of polar bears is declining.
The thing is that before the polar bear none of the species was declared endangered due to the climate change. It is one of the most urgent ecological problems nowadays. It is the warming of the planet's temperature caused by so-called greenhouse gases that absorb sunlight.
The natural habitat of the polar bear is Arctic sea ice. As a result of the climate change ice caps are melting and the area where the bears can live and hunt is reducing. They move souther to the land and they often die from hunger in attempts to reach ice that is too far.

Unfortunately, there are other species apart from the polar bear that suffer from the global warming. Cheetahs, penguins, elephants, pandas — all these animals are hit hard by the climate change. 
Choose true or false:
1.  The species is endangered, that means that these animals will not extinct in the near future.
2.  The climate change is one of the most urgent ecological problems nowadays.
3.  They move norther to the land and they often die from hunger in attempts to reach ice that is too far.
Рис. 1. Polar bear. Pixabay License CC0. Free for commercial use No attribution required. https://pixabay.com/images/id-404314/ (Дата обращения 11.10.2021)