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The story, "Zigzag" written by Asha Nehemiah, was published in the year 2000. The story revolves around a bird named 'Zigzag'. Dr. Somu has a practise of giving gifts to Dr. Krishnan's family, which Mrs. Krishnan regards as nuisances. One day, he gives his favourite, cherished pet to the Krishnan family. Had it been a nuisance, like Dr. Somu's other presents? If not, how?
What will happen if you are not given the opportunity to demonstrate your abilities?
What will you do if you find yourself in an new environment?
What happens if you don't work? And more importantly, did you know that everyone have their own unique way of expressing their abilities?
Read the entire story to find answers to all of the aforementioned questions.
Main Characters involved:
  • Mr and Mrs. Krishnan
  • Mr. Somu - Krishnan's family friend
  • Zigzag - Somu's pet
  • Maya - Krishnan's daughter
  • Arvind - Krishnan's son
  • Visu - Somu's cook
  • Mrs.Jhunjhunwula, - Krishnan's Neighbour