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Fill the boxes using the right form of words:
1. My sister wanted to go to Mumbai last week. She made a  (decide) to buy a ticket at once. As  (reserve) could be done online, she gave (prefer) to book a ticket that way. First, she collected (inform) about the  (arrive) and  (depart) of trains and airplanes.
2. A few days later, Androcles was captured by his master. He had to suffer all  kinds of  (punish). At last, he was thrown to a lion which was in great  (hunger). It had been kept in an (enclose) and had not been fed for several days. His friends stood there with  (tear) eyes as the lion rushed towards him. The lion stopped near him and stood for a while,  (look) at him. Then it lay down by his side like a pet dog.  (Obvious), the lion recognized Androcles and the (help) he had given it.