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1. Explain:
a. What do you understand by the term ‘ultrasonic vibration’?
b. State three uses of ultrasonic vibrations.
c. Name three animals which can hear ultrasonic vibrations.
a. Ultrasonic vibrations are the vibration with frequency greater than .
b. Human ear cannot detect the .
c. Ultrasonic waves can be detected by certain animals such as .
d. Ultrasonography employs .
2. What is an echo?
a. State two conditions necessary for hearing an echo.
b. What are the medical applications of echo?
c. How can you calculate the speed of sound using echo?
a. Human ears have a  second persistence of hearing.
b. In obstetric ultrasonography, which is used to provide .
c. Humans cannot hear .
d.  is radiation free testing tool.