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Give brief answers to the following question:
Verify by calculating that

(a). 5 moles of \(CO_2\) and 5 moles of \(H_2O\) do not have the same mass.
(b). 240 g of calcium and 240 g magnesium elements have a mole ratio of 3:5.
(a). \(CO_2\) has molar mass              = 44g mol-1
5 moles of \(CO_2\) have molar mass = 44 × 5
                                                      = .
\(H_2O\) has molar mass           = 18 g mol-1
5 moles of \(H_2O\) have mass = 18 × 5 g
                                            = .
(b). Number of moles in 240g Ca metal = = 6.
Number of moles in 240g of Mg metal = = 10.
Ratio 6:10 =  .