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1. Find the length of the tangent drawn from a point whose distance from the centre of a circle is \(5 \ cm\) and the circle's radius is \(3 \ cm\).
The length of the tangent \(=\)  \(cm\)
2. In the below figure, \(O\) is the centre of a circle. \(PQ\) is a chord and the tangent \(PR\) at \(P\) makes an angle of \(50^\circ\) with \(PQ\). Find \(\angle POQ\).
B_46Asset 2.png
The angle \(POQ\) \(=\) \(^\circ\)
3. In the below figure, \(\Delta ABC\) is circumscribing a circle. Find the length of \(BC\).
B_48Asset 10.png
The length of \(BC\) \(=\)  \(cm\)
4. If the radii of two concentric circles are \(4 \ cm\) and \(5 cm\), then find the length of the chord of one circle, which is tangent to the other circle.
The length of the chord of one circle which is tangent to the other circle \(=\)  \(cm\)